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Roy Orbison
This performer is based in Myrtle Beach, SC
Hear audio:
Oh, Pretty Woman
(video below)
Brian has been traveling and professionally singing the beautiful and challenging songs of Roy Orbison since 1992. He caught the eye and ear of "Legends in Concert" producer John Stuart, and suddenly found his former radio DJ career changed into the onstage incarnation of the man even Elvis called "the greatest singer in the world" - Roy Orbison".
His consistent talent has enabled Brian to enjoy many appearances with Legends, plus repeat appearances in showrooms of major casinos, at theaters in Nashville and Branson, up and down the Atlantic coast, throughout Canada, New England, Texas, Florida, California, Illinois, and for good measure, even months at sea entertaining cruise ship passengers.
Brian has met with and worked along side of Roy's friends, relatives, and band members to enable him to meld their insights and memories into his perfect embodiment of the Big "O"s image. He has carefully researched Roy's repertoire, and perfected a look that is called "eerily accurate".
Some acts can please the crowd with dance moves or flashy costumes, but the Orbison tribute artist must stand or fall on his vocal ability. Clients, fans and critics call Brian the finest. His singing led one recent reviewer to describe him as "remarkable and marvelous" and having "the soaring voice of Orbison himself, not merely an impersonation, but the true resurrection of a legend".
Brian's response is a measure of the respect he holds for Roy:
"There is only one Roy Orbison.
I'm certainly not going to say I could replace the man,
nor would I want to. My job is to perform his songs, adopt his look,
respect his legacy and give his fans a focal point to honor the man
and their memories of him."
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